Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure.

Development with Microsoft Windows Azure

  • Migration of on-premise applications and database from MySql or other RDBMs to SQL Azure
  • Building Microsoft SharePoint applications in the cloud with Windows Azure
  • Microsoft SQL Azure Enterprise Application Development
  • Building Web Applications with Microsoft SQL Azure & Microsoft Silverlight and Windows Azure
  • Visual WebGui applications running on Windows Azure
  • CRM Applications on Windows Azure
Features of Microsoft Windows Azure
  • Compute – Web and Worker roles to host applications around the world.
  • Storage – Persistent and durable storage in the cloud via four core services.
  • Virtual Network – Networking functionality to connect on-premises and cloud applications.
  • Business Intelligence – Develop and deploy operational reports to the cloud using familiar tools.
  • Database – Highly available and scalable relational cloud database service.
  • Content Delivery Network – Deliver high bandwidth content through 24 global physical nodes.
  • Service Bus – Secure messaging capabilities for distributed and hybrid applications.
  • Marketplace – Buy and sell finished applications, data sets, components and more.
  • Virtual Machines – Deploy custom Windows Server 2008 R2 images to Windows Azure.
  • Caching – Distributed, in-memory application cache service.
  • Access Control – Standards-based service for identity and access control.

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